My own system for rating coffee shops.
Brew-to-Order (0-3)
Does the coffee shop offer brew-to-order methods such as pour over or French press?
0: No. Batch-brew only.
1: Sometimes / limited options.
2: Yes, consistently, but only 1 varietal.
3: Yes, multiple varietals to choose from.
Coffee for Purchase (0-3)
0: No.
1: Yes, blends only and/or no light roasts.
2: A mix of blends and single-origins.
3: Yes, multiple single-origins including light roasts.
Ambience (0-3)
0: No / didn’t attempt.
1: Theme attempted; needs help.
2: Cliché theme but layout/arrangement works.
3: Layout and theme work well.
Nitro Cold Brew (0-2)
0: No.
1: Yes, but not done correctly or not currently available.
2: Yes, done well.
Bonus (0-1)
Example: A shop that offers a free pour-over with purchase of a bag of coffee.